河村 知彦 Tomohiko Kawamura
国際沿岸海洋研究センター センター長
国際沿岸海洋研究センター生物資源再生分野 教授
海洋生物資源部門資源生態分野 教授(兼務)

E-mail: kawamura[at]aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Phone:04-7136-6261 FAX: 04-7136-6266
Address: International Coastal Research Center, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
3-8-1 Akahama, Otsuchi, Iwate, Japan, 028-1102

履 歴
2014年4月-:東京大学大気海洋研究所国際沿岸海洋研究センター センター長(兼務)


趣 味
見る(Birds)、蹴る(Soccer at lunch time)、滑る(Skiing)、飼う(Nature aquarium)、集める(Shells of land snails)、遊ぶ(PS at night, Pokemon GO)、応援する(Saitama Seibu Lions)



●Takami, H., T. Kawamura, N.-I. Won, D. Muraoka, J. Hayakawa and T. Onitsuka 2017. Effects of macro algal expansion triggered by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami on recruitment density of juvenile abalone Haliotis discus hannai at Oshika Peninsula, northeastern Japan. Fisheries Oceanography, 26: 141-154.
●Muraoka, D., H. Tamaki, H. Takami, Y. Kurita and T. Kawamura 2017. Effects of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami on two kelp bed communities on the Sanriku coast. Fisheries Oceanography, 26: 128-140.
●Hayakawa, J., T. Kawamura, K. Fukuda, M. Fukuda and S. Sasaki 2017. Studies on temporal changes by the massive tsunami in abalone and sea urchin populations in the Otsuchi Bay by long-term monitoring survey. Coastal Marine Science, 40: 44-54.
●Hirose, M. and T. Kawamura 2017. Distribution and seasonality of sessile organisms on settlement panels in Otsuchi Bay. Coastal Marine Science, 40: 66-81.
●Kawamura, T., H. Takami, J. Hayakawa, N.-I. Won, D. Muraoka and Y. Kurita 2014. Changes in abalone and sea urchin populations in rocky reef ecosystems on Sanriku Coast damaged by the massive tsunami and other environmental changes associated with the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Global Environmental Research, 18, 47-56.
●Takami, H., N.-I. Won and T. Kawamura 2013. Impacts of the 2011 mega-earthquake and tsunami on abalone Haliotis discus hannai and sea urchin Strongylocentrotus nudus populations at Oshika Peninsula, Miyagi, Japan. Fisheries Oceanography 22: 113-120.

●河村知彦・高見秀輝・早川 淳・村岡大祐・玉置 仁 2017. 大槌湾周辺における東北地方太平洋沖地震後の海洋生態系の変化:東北マリン拠点形成事業(プロジェグランメーユ)による取り組みとその成果.三陸沿岸の岩礁藻場における地震と津波の影響およびその後の変化.Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 83: 672-676.
●Kawamura, T., J. Hayakawa and H. Takami 2016. Changes in rocky shore ecosystems on Sanriku Coast damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. In: Marine ecosystems after Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Our knowledge acquired by TEAMS (eds. Kogure K., Hirose M., Kitazato H. and Kijima A.), 69-70, Tokai University Press, Hiratsuka, 162pp.
●Hirose, M. and T. Kawamura 2016. Sessile organisms in Otsuchi Bay and Matsushima Bay after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. In: Marine ecosystems after Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Our knowledge acquired by TEAMS (eds. Kogure K., Hirose M., Kitazato H. and Kijima A.), 71–72, Tokai University Press, Hiratsuka, 162pp.
●河村知彦 2016. 大槌湾の環境と海洋生物.大槌発 未来へのグランドデザイン 震災復興と地域の自然・文化,96-121, 昭和堂,京都,249pp.
●河村知彦・高見秀輝・早川 淳 2016. 東北の海は今、震災後4年間の研究成果と漁業復興 Ⅱ-4. 無脊椎動物資源への影響と回復状況:エゾアワビ・ウニ類.Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 82: 147.
●河村知彦 2016. 大槌湾のアワビやウニは大津波でどうなったのか? BIOSTORY, 25: 86-91.
●高見秀輝・河村知彦 2014. 宮城県牡鹿半島沿岸のエゾアワビ・キタムラサキウニ個体群が受けた東日本大震災の影響.月刊地球, 412: 47-52.


エゾアワビHaliotis discus hannaiについて、浮遊幼生の着底・変態過程、変態後の稚貝の食性とその成長に伴う変化、食性変化に伴う摂餌・消化器官の変化等について詳細な研究を行った。特に、全生活史を通じて成長に伴うエゾアワビの食性変化を明らかにし、成長段階ごとの主餌料を特定した。この一連の研究によって、エゾアワビは成長に伴って4回大きく食性を転換することが明らかとなり、特に、殻長5 mmまでの生活史初期には特定の付着形態を持つ珪藻のみが好適餌料になるため、幼生の着底場における付着珪藻群落の動態がエゾアワビの成長、生残に特に大きな影響を及ぼすことがわかった。無節サンゴモなど浮遊幼生が選択的に着底・変態する基質上には、変態後充分な移動能力が付くまでに必要な餌料環境が保証されており、エゾアワビはきわめて合理的な摂餌・生残戦略を持つことが明らかとなった。

●松本有記雄・中坪あゆみ・高見秀輝・河村知彦(2018)エゾアワビの採苗における緑藻アワビモUlvella lensの利用可能性と針型珪藻Cylindrotheca closteriumとの併用. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 印刷中.
●松本有記雄・伯耆匠二・中坪あゆみ・西洞孝広・野呂忠・貴志太樹・高見秀輝・河村知彦2018.アワビ類の初期餌料として好適な針型珪藻Cylindrotheca closteriumの大量培養法と採苗板への展開法に関する研究.Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2331/suisan.17-00047.
●干川 裕・河村知彦 2017. 北海道沿岸各海域におけるエゾアワビの資源量変動に及ぼす気候変動の影響.Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 83: 373-384.
●松本有記雄・野呂忠勝・高見秀輝・藤浪祐一郎・久慈康支・河村知彦 2015. アワビモUlvella lensと稚貝の匍匐粘液に針型珪藻Cylindrotheca closteriumを付着させた板によるエゾアワビ採苗法の検討.Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi,81: 995-997.
●高見秀輝・深澤博達・河村知彦・村岡大祐 2012. エゾアワビの成熟に及ぼす餌料の質・量の影響. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 78: 1205-1207.
●高見秀輝・元 南一・河村知彦 2012. エゾアワビの成長に伴う棲み場の変化. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 78: 1213-1216.
●Won, N.-I., T. Kawamura, H. Takami, H. Hoshikawa and Y. Watanabe 2011. Comparison of abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) catches in natural habitats affected by different current systems: implication of climate effects on abalone fishery. Fisheries Research, 110: 84-91.
●Miyake, Y., S. Kimura, T. Kawamura, T. Kitagawa and H. Takami 2011. Population connectivity of Ezo abalone on the north Pacific coast of Japan in relation to the establishment of harvest refugia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 440: 137-150.
●Won, N.-I., T. Kawamura, H. Takami and Y. Watanabe 2010. Ontogenetic changes in the feeding habits of an abalone Haliotis discus hannai: field verification by stable isotope analyses. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 67: 347-356.
●Miyake, Y., S. Kimura, T. Kawamura, H. Takami, H. Hoshikawa, T. Kitagawa and M. Hara 2010. Estimating larval supply of Ezo abalone Haliotis discus hannai in a small bay using a coupled particle-tracking and hydro dynamic model: insights into the establishment of harvest refugia. Fisheries Science, 76: 561-570.
●Won N.I., T. Kawamura, H. Takami and Y. Watanabe 2010. Stable isotope analyses as a tool to examine post-larval diets of Haliotis discus hannai. Journal of Shellfish Research, 29: 655-662.
●Takami, H., T. Saido, T. Endo, T. Noro, T. Musashi and T. Kawamura 2008. Overwinter mortality of young-of-the-year Ezo abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) in relation to sweater temperature on the northern Pacific coast of Japan. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 367: 203-212.
●Won, N.-I., T. Kawamura, H. Takami and Y. Watanabe 2008. Applicability of stable isotope analyses for ecological studies of abalone: estimation of fractionation values and natural diets. Journal of Shellfish Research, 27: 871-879.
●Fukazawa, H., T. Kawamura, H. Takami and Y. Watanabe 2007. Oogenesis and relevant changes in egg quality of abalone Haliotis discus hannai during a single spawning season. Aquaculture, 270: 265-275.
●Takami, H., A. Oshino, R. Sasaki, H. Fukazawa and T. Kawamura 2006. Age determination and estimation of larval period in field caught abalone (Haliotis discus hannai Ino 1953) larvae and newly metamorphosed post-larvae by counts of radular teeth rows. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 328: 289-301.
●Fukazawa, H., H. Takami, T. Kawamura and Y. Watanabe 2005. The effect of egg quality on larval period and post-larval survival of an abalone Haliotis discus hannai. Journal of Shellfish Research, 24: 1141-1147.
●Takami, H., D. Muraoka, T. Kawamura and Y. Yamashita 2003. When is the abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino 1953 first able to use brown macroalgae? Journal of Shellfish Research, 22: 795-800.
●Takami, H., T. Kawamura and Y. Yamashita 2002. Effects of delayed metamorphosis on larval competence, and postlarval survival and growth of abalone Haliotis discus hannai. Aquaculture 213: 311-322.
●Kawamura, T., H. Takami, R.D. Roberts and Y. Yamashita 2001. Radula development in abalone Haliotis duscus hannai from larva to adult in relation to feeding transitions. Fisheries Science, 67: 596-605.
●高見秀輝・河村知彦・伊藤秀明・柳谷 智・清藤真樹・山下 洋 2001. エゾアワビ初期稚貝と小型植食性巻貝の餌料を巡る競合関係. 東北水研研報, 64, 43-51.
●Takami, H, T. Kawamura and Y. Yamashita 2000. Starvation tolerance of newly metamorphosed abalone Haliotis discus hannai. Fisheries Science, 66: 1180-1182.
●Takami, H., T. Kawamura and Y. Yamashita 1998. Development of polysaccharide degrading activity in post-larval abalone Haliotis discus hannai. Journal of Shellfish Research, 17: 723-727.
●Takami, H., T. Kawamura and Y. Yamashita 1997. Survival and growth rates of post-larval abalone Haliotis discus hannai fed conspecific trail mucus and/or benthic diatom Cocconeis scutellum var. parva. Aquaculture, 152: 129-138.
●Takami, H., T. Kawamura and Y. Yamashita 1997. Contribution of diatoms as food sources for post-larval abalone Haliotis discus hannai on a crustose coralline alga. Molluscan Research, 18: 143-151.
●高見秀輝・河村知彦・山下 洋 1996. エゾアワビ1歳貝に対する付着珪藻の餌料価値.水産増殖, 44: 211-216.
●Kawamura, T. and H. Takami 1995. Analysis of feeding and growth rate of newly metamorphosed abalone Haliotis discus hannai fed on four species of benthic diatom. Fisheries Science, 61: 357-358.
●Kawamura, T., T. Saido, H. Takami and Y. Yamashita 1995. Dietary value of benthic diatoms for the growth of post-larval abalone Haliotis discus hannai. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 194: 189-199.
●河村知彦・菊地省吾 1992. エゾアワビ幼生の着底と変態に及ぼす付着珪藻の影響.水産増殖,40: 403-409.

●Takami, H. and T. Kawamura 2018. Ontogenetic habitat shift in abalone Haliotis discus hannai: a review. Fisheries Science, DOI:10.1007/s12562-017-1169-y.
●河村知彦 2012. アワビって巻貝? 磯の王者を大解剖.海の生き物シリーズ第5巻,恒星社厚生閣,東京,116pp.
●河村知彦 2012. 水産資源各論 アワビ・サザエ類.最新 水産ハンドブック,191-193,講談社,東京,699pp.
●河村知彦 2007. アワビ類浮遊幼生の着底場選択とその生態学的意義.Sessile Organisms 24: 27-34.
●河村知彦・高見秀輝 2005. アワビ類の生態と加入量変動.海洋生命系のダイナミクスシリーズ.第4巻 海の生物資源-生物は海でどう変動しているか(渡邊良朗編), 286-303,東海大学出版会,東京, 437pp.
●Kawamura, T., R.D. Roberts and H. Takami 2005. Importance of periphyton in abalone culture. Periphyton: Ecology, Exploitation and Management (eds. E. Azim et al.), 269-284, CABI Publishing, UK, 319pp.
●高見秀輝・河村知彦 2002. エゾアワビの成長に伴う食性変化とその機構.月刊海洋 34: 504-511.
●河村知彦・高見秀輝・西洞孝広 2002. アワビ類の天然稚貝発生量を決める要因は何か?月刊海洋 34: 529-534.
●Kawamura, T., R.D. Roberts and H. Takami 1998. A review of the feeding and growth of post-larval abalone. Journal of Shellfish Research 17: 615-625.

●Won, Nam-Il (2007) Study on the ecological niches of abalone (Haliotis spp.) using stable isotope analyses(東京大学課程博士)
●深澤博達 (2005) エゾアワビの成熟と卵質に関する研究(東京大学課程博士)
●高見秀輝 (2002) エゾアワビの生活史初期における食性、生残、成長に関する研究(東京大学論文博士)

相模湾に生息するトコブシHaliotis diversicolor(小型アワビ類)の繁殖に係わる生態と稚貝の成長・生残に影響を及ぼす要因を明らかにし、資源変動の機構を推定した。特筆すべき成果として、相模湾においてトコブシの放卵・放精が台風の通過時にのみ起こることを発見し、台風の通過に伴う何らかの環境変化が放卵・放精を誘発する要因であることを明らかにしたこと、幼生の選択的着底場である無節サンゴモ上に砂泥が堆積すると着底・変態を阻害することを明らかにしたことなどが挙げられる。

●Onitsuka, T., T. Kawamura, S. Ohashi, S. Iwanaga and T. Horii 2011. Growth and survival of juvenile abalone Haliotis diversicolor fed on brown macroalgal gametophytes, a potential alternative initial diet. Aquaculture, 313, 79-83.
●Onitsuka, T., T. Kawamura, S. Ohashi, S. Iwanaga, T. Horii and Y. Watanabe 2010. Effects of delayed metamorphosis and delayed post-settlement feeding on post-larval survival and growth of the abalone Haliotis diversicolor. Aquaculture, 298, 239-244.
●Onitsuka, T., T. Kawamura, S. Ohashi, S. Iwanaga, T. Horii 2010. Dietary value of gametophytes and juvenile sporophytes of the brown macroalga Eisenia bicyclis for juvenile abalone Haliotis diversicolor. Fisheries Science, 76, 619-623.
●Onitsuka, T., T. Kawamura, T. Horii, N. Takiguchi and Y. Watanabe 2008. Survival, growth and recruitment of abalone Haliotis diversicolor in Sagami Bay, Japan. Journal of Shellfish Research, 27: 843-855.
●Onitsuka, T., T. Kawamura, S. Ohashi, S. Iwanaga, T. Horii and Y. Watanabe 2008. Effects of sediments on larval settlement of abalone Haliotis diversicolor. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 365: 53-58.
●Onitsuka, T., T. Kawamura, S. Ohashi, T. Horii and Y. Watanabe 2007. Dietary value of benthic diatoms for post-larval abalone Haliotis diversicolor, associated with the feeding transitions. Fisheries Science, 73: 295-302.
●Onitsuka, T., T. Kawamura, T. Horii, M. Hamaguchi, S. Ohashi, N. Takiguchi and Y. Watanabe 2007. Identification of juvenile abalone Haliotis diversicolor based on the number of open and sealed respiratory pores. Fisheries Science, 73: 995-1000.
●Onitsuka, T., T. Kawamura, T. Horii, N. Takiguchi, H. Takami and Y. Watanabe 2007. Synchronized spawning of an abalone Haliotis diversicolor, triggered by typhoon events in Sagami Bay, Japan. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 351: 129-138.
●Onitsuka, T., T. Kawamura, S. Ohashi, T. Horii and Y. Watanabe 2004. Morphological changes in the radula of abalone Haliotis diversicolor aquatilis from post-larva to adult. Journal of Shellfish Research, 23: 1079-1085.

●Onitsuka, T., T. Kawamura and T. Horii 2010. Reproduction and early life ecology of abalone Haliotis diversicolor in Sagami Bay, Japan. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 44: 375-382.
●鬼塚年弘・河村知彦 2008. 相模湾におけるトコブシの新規加入量変動要因.月刊海洋 40: 500-506.

●鬼塚年弘 (2006) 相模湾長井におけるトコブシの繁殖生態と初期生態に関する研究(東京大学課程博士)

ニュージーランド沿岸に生息する重要な養殖対象種ヘリトリアワビHaliotis irisの着底生態、初期食性をニュージーランドCawthron研究所のRodney D. Roberts氏らと共同で解明した。また、相模湾においてトコブシと同所的に生息する大型アワビ類のクロアワビH. discus discusやメガイアワビH. giganteaの繁殖生態、初期生態を水産研究教育機構の堀井豊充氏らと共同で研究し、エゾアワビやトコブシとの比較研究を展開してきた。また、東京大学大気海洋研究所の木村伸吾教授、三宅陽一助教らと共同で、大型アワビ類浮遊幼生の分散過程を、現場観測と流動モデルによるコンピューターシュミレーションで推測した。

●旭 隆・黒木洋明・照井方舟・鬼塚年弘・三宅陽一・早川 淳・河村知彦・滝口直之・浜口昌巳・堀井豊充 2013. 相模湾東岸における大型アワビ類浮遊幼生の出現動態に影響する環境要因.水産海洋研究 77: 10-20.
●Miyake, Y., S. Kimura, T. Kawamura, T. Horii, H. Kurogi and T. Kitagawa 2009. Simulating larval dispersal processes for abalone using a coupled particle-tracking and hydrodynamic model: implication for refugium design. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 387: 205-222.
●Roberts, RD., T. Kawamura and C.M. Handley 2007. Factors affecting settlement of abalone larvae (Haliotis iris) on benthic diatom films. Journal of Shellfish Research, 26: 323-334.
●Roberts, R.D., T. Kawamura and C.M. Nicholson 1999. Growth and survival of post-larval abalone (Haliotis iris) in relation to their development and diatom diet. Journal of Shellfish Research, 18: 243-250.
●Roberts, R.D., T. Kawamura and H. Takami 1999. Morphorogical changes in the radula of abalone (Haliotis iris) during post-larval development. Journal of Shellfish Research, 18: 637-644.
●Kawamura, T., R.D. Roberts and C.M. Nicholson 1998. Factors affecting the food value of diatom strains for post-larval abalone Haliotis iris. Aquaculture, 160: 81-88.

●Miyake, Y., S. Kimura, T. Horii and T. Kawamura T. 2017. Larval dispersal of abalone and its three modes: a review. Journal of Shellfish Research, 36: 157-167.
●Roberts, R.D., T. Kawamura and H. Takami 1999. Abalone recruitment - an overview of some recent research in New Zealand, Australia and Japan. Bull. Tohoku Natl. Fish. Res. Inst., 62, 95-107.

●三宅陽一 (2010) Studies on larval dispersal processes of large abalone in relation to establishment of harvest refugia(東京大学課程博士, 指導教員:木村伸吾教授)
●Roberts, R.D. (2001) Factors affecting larval settlement and post-larval performance of New Zealand abalone, Haliotis spp.(オタゴ大学論文博士)


●Hayakawa, J., N. Ohtsuchi, T. Kawamura and H. Kurogi 2018. Ontogenetic habitat and diet shifts in Japanese turban snail Turbo cornutus (Vetigastropoda: Turbinidae) at Nagai, Sagami Bay, Japan. Fisheries Science, DOI: 10.1007/s12562-017-1170-5.
●Hayakawa, J., T. Kawamura, H. Kurogi and Y. Watanabe 2013. Shelter effects of coralline algal turfs: protection for Turbo cornutus juveniles from predation by a predatory gastropod and wrasse. Fisheries Science 79: 15-20.
●Hayakawa, J., Kawamura, T., Ohashi, S., Ohtsuchi, N., Kurogi, H. and Watanabe, Y. 2012. Predation by neogastropods on Turbo cornutus juveniles and other small gastropods inhabiting coralline algal turfs. Fisheries Science 78: 309-325.
●Hayakawa, J., T. Kawamura, S. Ohashi, T. Horii and Y. Watanabe 2010. Importance of epiphytic diatoms and fronds of two species of red algae as diets for juvenile Japanese turban snail Turbo cornutus. Journal of Shellfish Research 29: 233-240.
●Hayakawa, J., T. Kawamura, S. Ohashi, T. Horii and Y. Watanabe 2009. The settlement cues of an articulated coralline alga Marginisporum crassissima for the Japanese top shell Turbo cornutus. Journal of Shellfish Research, 28: 569-575.
●Hayakawa, J., T. Kawamura, S. Ohashi, T, Horii and Y. Watanabe 2008. Habitat selection of Japanese top shell (Turbo cornutus) on articulated coralline algae; combination of preferences in settlement and post-settlement stage. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 363: 118-123.
●Hayakawa, J., T. Kawamura, T. Horii and Y. Watanabe 2007. Settlement of larval top shell, Turbo (Batillus) cornutus, in response to several marine algae. Fisheries Science 73: 371-377.

●早川 淳 (2010) 相模湾長井におけるサザエの初期生態に関する研究(東京大学課程博士)

●Ohtsuchi, N., T. Kawamura, J. Hayakawa, H. Kurogi and Y. Watanabe 2018. Ontogenetic habitat shift in Pugettia quadridens on the coast of Sagami Bay, Japan. Fisheries Science, DOI: 10.1007/s12562-017-1171-4.
●Ohtsuchi, N., T. Kawamura, J. Hayakawa, H. Kurogi and Y. Watanabe 2016. Growth patterns and population dynamics of the kelp crab Pugettia vulgaris (Decapoda: Brachyura: Epialtidae), Sagami Bay, Japan. Crastaceana, 89, 645-667.
●Ohtsuchi, N. and T. Kawamura 2016. Redescription of Alox chaunos Galil & Ng, 2007 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Leucosiidae) new to Japan; with notes on the male characters of A. latusoides (Sakai, 1937). Zootaxa, 4111, 41-52, doi.org/10.11646.
●Ohtsuchi, N., T. Kawamura and M. Takeda 2014. Redescription of a poorly known epialtid crab Pugettia pellucens Rathbun, 1932 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Majoidea) and description of a new species from Sagami Bay, Japan. Zootaxa, 3765, 557-570.


●Umezu, Y., T. Onitsuka, T. Kawamura and Y. Watanabe 2017. Feeding of the short-spined sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius on macroalgae and benthic animals. Fisheries Science, 83, 221-233.
●Onitsuka T., T. Unuma and T. Kawamura 2014. Effects of diet and temperature on post-settlement growth and survival of the short-spined sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius. Aquaculture Research, 45, 1-15.


●Houki, S., T. Kawamura, T. Irie, N.I. Won and Y. Watanabe 2015. The daily cycle of siphon extension behavior in the Manila clam controlled by the endogenous rhythm. Fisheries Science, 81, 453-461.



●Yamada, H., K. Nakamoto, J. Hayakawa, T. Kawamura, K. Kon, H. Shimabukuro and K. Fukuoka 2018. Seasonal variations in leaf growth of Cymodocea serrulata in different depths of sub-tropical seagrass meadows. Fisheries Science, DOI: 10.1007/s12562-018-1183-8.
●Kodama, M, T. Kawamura, K. Nakamoto, N. Ohtsuchi, J. Hayakawa, T. Kitagawa and Y. Watanabe 2017. A comparison of amphipod assemblages between canopy and understory strata in seaweed and seagrass beds off the coast of Otsuchi Bay, Japan. Biodiversity Journal, 8, 471–473.
●山田秀秋・島袋寛盛・早川淳・中本健太・河村知彦・今 孝悦 2016. 亜熱帯藻場構成植物に対するアイゴ幼魚の摂食選択性評価.日本水産学会誌,82, 631-633.
●山田秀秋・早川 淳・中本健太・河村知彦・今 孝悦 2016. 小型巻貝2種におけるソデカラッパからの被食回避に及ぼす人工海藻の影響.日本水産学会誌,82, 33-35.
●鬼塚年弘・黒木洋明・丹羽健太郎・早川 淳・照井方舟・旭 隆・元 南一・河村知彦・堀井豊充 2013. 相模湾長井地先に新設された人工礁とその周辺岩礁域における底生生物相,細菌叢の変遷過程.水産増殖,61: 277-292.
●早川 淳・脇 司・佐々木猛智・河村知彦 2013. 腹足類の稚貝の種判別:相模湾長井の潮下帯における研究例.ちりぼたん, 42, 80-100.
●Won, N.-I., T. Kawamura, H. Takami and Y. Watanabe 2013. Trophic structure in natural habitats of an abalone Haliotis discus hannai with distinct algal vegetation of kelp and crustose coralline algae. Fisheries Science 79: 87-97.
●Won, N-I., T. Kawamura, T. Onitsuka, J. Hayakawa, S. Watanabe, T. Horii, H. Takami and Y. Watanabe 2007. Trophic structure of benthic community of abalone (Haliotis diversicolor) habitat in Sagami Bay, Japan. Fisheries Science, 73: 1123-1136.

●河村知彦・仲岡雅裕 2016. 海底生態系.海洋生態学,68-121,共立出版,東京,305pp.

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沿岸浅海域の主要な一次生産者であり、アワビ類やサザエなど多くの底生生物の餌料となっている付着珪藻の群落変動機構を 解明した。珪藻を付着形態によって分類することにより、群落の構造を類型化することに成功し、群落の形成、遷移機構を明らかにした。群落の遷移を進める主 要因は付着形態による増殖速度と光に対する増殖特性の相違であり、遷移の進行過程は特に光条件と植食動物の摂食圧により大きく変化することが明らかとなっ た。また、この付着珪藻群落の変動と後述するアワビ類の初期生態との間には密接な関係があることを明らかにした。

●Kawamura, T., H. Takami and Y. Yamashita 2004. Effects of grazing by a herbivorous gastropod Homalopoma amussitatum, a competitor for food with post-larval abalone, on a community of benthic diatoms. Journal of Shellfish Research, 23: 989-993.
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●Kawamura, T., Y. Nimura and R. Hirano 1988. Effects of bacterial films on diatom attachment in the initial phase of marine fouling. Journal of Oceanographical Society of Japan, 44: 1-5.

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●河村知彦 2001. 海底の岩盤上・葉上に生育する付着珪藻類の動態. Bulletin of Plankton Society of Japan, 48: 128-130.
●河村知彦 1995. 付着珪藻群落の変動機構.月刊海洋 27:591-596.
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●河村知彦 (1994) 海産付着珪藻群落の群落変動機構に関する研究(東京大学論文博士)

●Aoki, Y., T. Kitagawa, H. Kiyofuji, S. Okamoto and T. Kawamura 2016. Changes in energy acquisition by skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) during northward migration in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Deep Sea Research II, 140, 83-93.
●Hayashi, A., K. Zhang, T. Saruwatari, T. Kawamura and Y. Watanabe 2016. Distribution of eggs and larvae of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus in the Pacific waters off northern Japan in summer. Fisheries Science, 82, 311-319.
●須原三加・森 泰雄・三原行雄・山本昌幸・川端 淳・高橋素光・勝川木綿・片山知史・山下 洋・河村知彦・渡邊良朗 2013. カタクチイワシの繁殖特性の海域間比較.日本水産学会誌,79, 813-822.
●Ichimi K., T. Kawamura, A. Yamamoto, K. Tada and P.J. Harrison 2012. Extremely high growth rate of the small diatom Chaetoceros salsugineum isolated from an estuary in the eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Journal of Phycology, 48, 1284-1288.
●板倉 茂・長崎慶三・河村知彦・今井一郎 2012. 沿岸域海底泥中に存在する珪藻類休眠期細胞の凍結耐性.北海道大学水産科学研究彙報,62, 15-19.
●Kishida, M., Y. Kanaji, S. Xie, Y. Watanabe, T. Kawamura R. Masuda and Y. Yamashita 2011. Ecomorphological dimorphism of juvenile Trachurus japonicus in Wakasa Bay, Japan. Envir. Biol. Fish., 90, 301-315.
●Kanaji, Y., M. Kishida, Y. Watanabe, T. Kawamura, S. Xie, Y. Yamashita, C. Sassa and Y. Tsukamoto 2010. Variations in otolith patterns, sizes and body morphometrics of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus juveniles, J. Fish Biol., 77, 1325-1342.
●Nakamura, Y., T. Shibuno, D. Lecchini, T. Kawamura and Y. Watanabe 2009. Spatial variability in habitat associations of pre- and post-settlement stages of coral reef fishes at Ishigaki Island, Japan. Mar. Biol., 156, 2413-2419.
●Kanaji, Y., Y. Watanabe, T. Kawamura, S. Xie, Y. Yamashita, C. Sassa and Y. Tsukamoto 2009. Multiple cohorts of juvenile jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus in waters along the Tsushima Current. Fish. Res. 95, 139-145.
●Chimura, M., Y. Watanabe, H. Okouchi, N. Shirafuji and T. Kawamura 2009. Hatch-period-dependent early growth and survival of Pacific herring Clupea pallasii in Miyako Bay, Japan. J. Fish Biol., 74, 604-620.
●Shirafuji, N., Y. Watanabe, Y. Takeda and T. Kawamura 2007. Maturation and spawning of Spratelloides gracilis (Clipeidae) in the temperate waters off Cape Shionomisaki, southern Japan. Fisheries Sci., 73, 623-632.
●Kawasaki, M., Y. Watanabe, N. Shirafuji, M. Chimura, M. Moku, O. Funaki, T. Saruwatari and T. Kawamura 2006. Larval Konosirus punctatus entering the Sagami River mouth. Journal of Fish Biology, 68, 1362-1375.
●Hatakeyama, R., N. Shirafuji, D. Nishimura, T. Kawamura and Y. Watanabe 2005. Gonadal development in early life stages of Spratelloides gracilis. Fisheries Sci., 71, 1201-1208.
●Goto N, T. Kawamura, O. Mitamura and H. Terai 1999. Importance of extracellular organic carbon production in the total primary production by tidal-flat diatoms in comparison to phytoplankton. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 190, 289-295.
●Suzuki, T., R. Yoshizawa, T. Kawamura and M. Yamasaki 1996. Interference of free fatty acids from the hepatopancreas of mussels with the mouse bioassay for shellfish toxins. Lipids, 31, 641-645.
●Uchida, M. and T. Kawamura 1995. Production of growth-promoting materials for marine benthic diatoms, Cylindrotheca closterium and Navicula ramosissima, during microbial decomposition of Laminaria thallus. J. Mar. Biotechnol., 2, 73-77.
●Yamada, H., T. Kawamura, T. Takeuchi and Y. Yamashita 1995. Effects of dietary condition on the survival, growth and reproduction of Acanthomysis mitsukurii (Crustacea, Mysidacea). Bull. Plank. Soc. Jap., 42, 43-52.
●山田秀秋・河村知彦・浅野昌充・谷口和也 1992. 牡鹿半島沿岸漸深帯に設置した人工岩礁上における海藻群落の遷移. 東北水研研報, 54, 89-95.
●浅野昌充・菊地省吾・河村知彦 1990. コンブ類繁茂に対する小型植食巻貝の影響.東北水研研報, 52, 65-71.